Online learning on Ecodesign Regulation

In the modular video tutorial, we explain the most important requirements from the Ecodesign Regulation for motors and frequency inverters in the European Economic Area, valid from 01.07.2021. Relevant changes resulting from this for our affected products and their applications are also highlighted.

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SEW Bild Description
In addition to the chronological development of the Ecodesign Regulation, the details for three-phase asynchronous motors are highlighted, including which exceptions exist, which changes occur compared to the previous regulation and which compliant products are available.

This is followed by the most important information on frequency inverters, such as the scope of application and the SEW-EURODRIVE series affected. In addition to further information, a brief outlook on global changes to energy efficiency requirements from 2021 is provided.

Learning objectives:
  • Know the scope of application of the ecodesign requirements for motors and inverters from 01.07.2021.
  • To be able to evaluate exceptions and alternatives.
  • Know what regulatory changes to consider when designing and constructing new equipment and machinery, or revisions to existing equipment.
  • Know future global energy efficiency requirements for induction motors.
30 min

Knowledge type:
Video Tutorial
Your learning units
  • Introduction and background
Available in the following languages:
2:20 minutes
  • History of the Ecodesign Regulation
Available in the following languages:
2:00 minutes
  • Ecodesign Regulation for motors Part 1
Available in the following languages:
9:30 minutes
  • Ecodesign Regulation for motors Part 2
Available in the following languages:
7:10 minutes
  • Ecodesign regulation for frequency inverters
Available in the following languages:
3:50 minutes
  • Further information and outlook
Available in the following languages:
5:00 minutes
Additional information:
  • Product-specific FAQs on asynchronous motors and frequency inverters from SEW-EURODRIVE.

    Available in the following languages:
    DE | EN
  • General information and FAQs from the European business associations CEMEP and CAPIEL on the Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 2019/1781.

    Available in the following languages:
    EN   (PDF, 712 KB)
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